Every time you explore the internet, you're surrounded by web jargons—those buzzwords that make the online world tick. Think of "cookies" as little reminders websites leave behind, "cache" as a memory boost to load pages faster, and "HTTP" as the language that websites use to communicate. These terms might sound fancy, but understanding them can make your web experience smoother and more fun. Mastering web jargons is like unlocking a secret code to navigate the internet with ease!
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. (Protocol - set of rules) . It is used to communicate between client and server.
- Client sends requests to the server.
- Server processes the request and sends back a response .
Stateless Protocol
Every time you visit a page , you are the new user .No memory of previous Request called stateless .
Stored state between frontend and backend.
Sessions are stored on the server side.
- authentication, user-specific operations
Cookie (information)
cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's browser by the web server.
- remember preferences, user tracking
I Need to send more info from server to browser.
Browser Info
Date Time
Request-Response Model
HTTP Methods (GET,POST,PUT,DELETE - also called Verbs )
GET: Retrieve data from a server.
POST: Submit data to be processed by a server.
PUT: Update existing data on a server.
DELETE: Remove data from a server.
HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, etc., serve other specific purposes.
HTTP Status Codes
1xx: Informational Responses
100: Continue – The server has received the request headers and is waiting for the body.
101: Switching Protocols – The client requested the server to switch protocols, and it agreed.
2xx: Success
200: OK – The request was successful.
201: Created – A new resource was successfully created.
204: No Content – The request was successful, but there’s no content to return.
3xx: Redirection
301: Moved Permanently – The requested resource has a new permanent URL.
302: Found – The requested resource is temporarily at a different URL.
304: Not Modified – The requested resource hasn't changed since the last fetch.
4xx: Client Errors
400: Bad Request – The server couldn't understand the request due to invalid syntax.
401: Unauthorized – Authentication is required to access the resource.
403: Forbidden – You’re not allowed to access this resource.
404: Not Found – The requested resource could not be found.
5xx: Server Errors
500: Internal Server Error – The server encountered an unexpected condition.
502: Bad Gateway – The server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
503: Service Unavailable – The server is overloaded or undergoing maintenance.
504: Gateway Timeout – The server didn't receive a timely response from another server.
http/1.1 is fallback and still used.
Enhanced performance with compression.
Uses Multiplexing (many file at the same time).
Uses Encryption(https-hypertext )
AWS don't use https for internal communication.
TLS (Transport Layer Security)
TLS is a protocol designed to secure communication over a computer network through encryption.
It ensures data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication.
To verify the identity of the communicating parties and establish trust, a TLS certificate is required by trusted Certificate Authority (CA).
User Agents (The agent that sends requests to the server)
TCP - Transmission Control Protocol
It provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data between applications communicating over a network.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
It is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a client and a server over a network.
IP (Internet Protocol)
It ensures that data sent from one device reaches the correct destination.
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) || End Point
It is the web address used to access a specific resource on the internet, such as a webpage, image, or file.
DNS (Domain Name System)
Points URL to IP.
It acts like the internet's phonebook, enabling users to access websites and online services without remembering numerical IP addresses.
Header -( Pass Additional information || Metadata.)
HTTP headers are key-value pairs included in requests and responses when communicating over the web.
Payload (Actual Data - email ,Pass)
payload refers to the actual data or content that is being transmitted over a network or within a data packet.
Cache (store the data)
A cache is a storage layer that stores data temporarily to enable faster access to that data in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.